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Credit Scores Debunked

Credit Scores help prove to lenders our trustabillity in order for them to grant loan products. Are you trying to build your credit? Whether its information about credit, advice on making payments or ways to improve your score we have tips to help!

What’s a Money Personality, and Which One Am I?

There are four main Money Personalities: the spender, the saver, the money monk and the avoider. Whichever Money Personality category you fall into, we have tips to help!

Recent Articles

Credit Scores Debunked

Credit Scores help prove to lenders our trustabillity in order for them to grant loan products. Are you trying to build your credit? Whether its information about credit, advice on making payments or ways to improve your score we have tips to help!

Make your Dream Vacation Possible

Ready for a vacation? We have tips to help you save for your next dream vacation. Whether its cancelling subscriptions, having a garage sale or opening an extra savings account to store your vacation fund, we have tips and strategies for you!

Mortgage Documentation Checklist

Before you apply for a mortgage or pre-approval, you’ll need to round up a few documents. We’ve compiled a documentation checklist to make it easy, so nothing gets forgotten.

Your Resources as a First-Time Homebuyer

Buying your first home is a big deal, but you’re not alone. We’ve assembled a few must-have resources here, so you can go from pre-approval to move-in day with total confidence.

Get down with the down payment

Most folks hear the words “down payment” and assume they need 20% cash to buy a home. While that comes in handy, you’ve got a lot of choices to make in your down payment.

Credit scores

What exactly are they, and why do they matter so much?